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We are committed to meeting and where possible exceeding environmental regulations concerning the way in which we carry out our business.

As a company we are always looking at ways in which to improve our performance in dealing with environmental issues.

Ensuring that Amtec staff are made aware of the need to use materials which have or can be re-cycled, and that processes for manufacture and transport are of an economical nature.

All power is monitored and where possible switched off at the end of the working day to ensure there is no waste.

We continue to aim towards a paperless office environment, thorough the use of electronic solutions for data management, invoicing, internal communications and customer records.


Staff are trained to recognise the importance of how to deal with the waste generated in their own areas by separating into different categories, e.g. office paper for pulping.

Harmful Emissions

Amtec does not produce any harmful gases in its business processes. The emissions from the heating system are kept to a minimum by maintaining the system using a Corgi registered engineer and by employing area thermostats / TRV to avoid unnecessary excess use of the heating system.

Power Usage

To ensure energy is used efficiently, all electricity and gas equipment is controlled by either an electronic timed system or manually by staff, this is then checked at the end of the working day.

Green Policy


Amtec’s goal is to extend the life of every system or device our customers use. In doing so we expect to both improve our customers  return on investment and at the same time reduce the impact of new manufacturing on the environment.

We encourage our customers to extend the useful life of there IT equipment by ensuring the availability of spares, replacements and support services many years beyond the manufacturers own provision.  We deliver Next Day and 24x7x365 Support Services across current, end of life and legacy systems.  The legacy systems often exceed the manufacturers Support coverage by 10 years or more.

Our aim is to minimise our Customers impact on the environment which includes addressing our own usage.  We undertake paper, plastics and cardboard recycling on top of the WEEE compliant disposal of all our electronic equipment.

We have extended our policy further by installing Solar Photo Voltaic panels at our Bournemouth office in December 2011 and expanded this with Battery storage in 2019. Our office runs entirely on Solar Energy, subject to the weather, through nearly four months of the year and our use of grid electricity is much reduced across the rest of the year.  We also operate a rain water storage system which meets our entire requirement for water within our toilets.  Hot water is provide much of the year with a Solar Thermal system.

Policy for WEEE (Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment)

Our Social and Legal Responsibility…..

We are committed to complying with and in some cases exceeding the directive from the DTI on both the Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment and RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances).

Amtec has an agreement with a reputable waste recycling company that specialise in the recycling and dismantling of electrical products and who, under contract, dispose of all of our items in the correct manner in accordance with the DTI guidelines.


Recycle, recycle, recycle…..

It is Amtec’s aim to recycle as much waste as is possible from within our company, for example the waste paper from our offices is collected via paper recycle bins and removed from site by “Perrys”  who pulp the paper for further use. www.perrys-recycling.co.uk

All office paper is shredded for confidentiality, prior to collection for pulping and re-use.  Certain materials in use by Amtec are recycled within the company such as packaging.
Other waste like polystyrene/polyurethane, computer components, wooden pallets and general waste, are re-used where possible or removed from site by S.I.T.A. for professional recycling.